
法律科考完了 總算可以和那厚厚的筆記和書說掰掰了
一躺在床上就會覺得有東西比我大個幾十萬倍 我想這叫作壓力吧
考完法律科也不見得會輕鬆 之前只爲了準備考試沒有去上課
堆積如山的功課和筆記還在等我完成它們 ._.
最近感覺很糟 我覺得我思考的模式改變了
變得有點邏輯 有點現實 我好討厭啊 T.T
而且最近真的好宅 喜歡關在家裡
不喜歡外出 也懶惰駕車
只喜歡呆在房間里泡港劇和video ._.
快救救我啊 T.T 好想去唱K的 只是覺得不夠人陪我常emo歌 >.<
接著下來也沒好日子過 每個星期都有測驗
超多的 我的日曆上已經寫著慢慢地測驗時間表 T.T

p.s: 我只是每天看著你上線下線 沒有交集 >_<


tagged by sammi samantha ._.

Starting time: 2234

Name: Mic Thien
Sisters: 5 (Sammi Obubu Sandra Cassy and Jeniffer) =P
Brothers: 1
Shoe size: 38/39? It depends
Height: 157 gua T.T
Where do you live: TAWAUuuuuuu
Favourite drinks: pudding milk tea or any tea.
Favourite breakfast: Sandwiches (with cheese) and a cup of hot milo.
Have you ever been on a plane?: >.< yes yes yes
Swam in the ocean: i float =.=''
Fallen asleep at school: yes,when cikgu leong was giving lecture. HAHAHA
Broken someone's heart: i did.
Fell off your chair: hmmm..bu ji de.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: yes.
Saved e-mails: no,i dont like emails.
What is your room like: Messy yet neat.like sam's @_@
What's right beside you: stapler =.=
What is the last thing you ate: ice cream.
Ever had chicken pox: lol yes
Sore throat: .___.
Stitches: i dont like them =(
Broken nose: nooooo!
Do you believe in love at first sight: hmmm.let me try?
Like picnics: sure!
Who was were the last person people you danced with: my classmates! hahaha
Last made you smile: my classmates.non stop laughing at tui class.
You last yelled at: hmmm...


Today did you:

Talk to someone you like: No oh............ =(
Kissed anyone: =.= no.
Get sick: No.
Talk to an ex: nope.
Miss someone: hmmm...hmm...
Eat: ofcourse la =.= what a good ques.
Best feeling in the world: in an ambiguous situation,with someone you like.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: hmm..i kick them =.=
What's under your bed: dust. =.=
Who do you really hate: i dont hate people. hahaha
What time is it now?: 2249



Is there a person who is on your mind now: yes,because of a song.
Do you want children: yup.
Do you smile often: i laugh!
Do you like your hand-writing: sometimes.
Are your toe nails painted: no~~i am lazy.

Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: sleeping bag. hahaha
What color shirt are you wearing now: RED.
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: revising law.
When did you cry last: erm.dont know.
Are you a friendly person: i think so.?hahaha
Do you have any pets: no =(
Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: wah..sensitive issue. =.=
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: not at all.
Do you sleep with the TV on?: i dn like any noise when i sleep.
What are you doing right now?:chatting, fb ing and doing tis boring stuff.
Have you ever crawled through a window?: yes?
Can you handle the truth?: ofcourse.
Are you too forgiving?: hmmm.. hahaha.
Are you closer to your mother or father?:closer to mother when i am angry or emo, close to daddy when i need money or craving for something. hahaha
Who was the last person you cried in front of?: a very special friend.
How many people can you say you've really loved?: 1.
Do you eat healthy?: yes i m a vegetarian! hahaha
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: yes.
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: yes.
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: my best friend.or alone.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: loud! like 38 po hahaha
Are you confident?: only when playing o2jam or do something i expert in. =.=


5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. playing hide and seek
2. days without computer,i played with my toys ._.
3. eat....eat.......eat.........
4. painting my new house?
5. playing with mud.

5 things on my to-do list today:
1. LAWWWWwwwwwwwwwww
2. EAT
3. FBBBbbbbbb
4. upload new profile pic =.=

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. seaweed
2. lay's potato chips
3. random
4. random
5. RANDOM!!!

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. give 90 percent of it to my parents.
2. buy anything i like. hahaha
3.too tired to think
4. too tired to think
5. too tired to think

5 of my flaws:
1. too emo
2. falling too deep for someone.
3. fat
5. not smart enough


請告訴我 那不是我

是的 在這非常不設當的時候失眠
其實除了它的封面之外 所記載的內容一點都不可愛
裏面說著一個女生 曾經很喜歡很喜歡一個男生
在一本出現的時候 他開始從陌生人的身份變成朋友
在第二本日記本出現的時候 他開始慢慢佔據她生活的每一塊
到後來的掙扎 和留下的傷害 直到日記的最後一頁 都還是放不下
在第三本日記本 她說她還是有點想念 寫著上一次遇見他的場景和故事
和總總的不舍 到后來看透了他心底其實早就沒有她
這一次看回去故事的內容 和唯一和以前不一樣的感覺是
結論是 我怎麼可能會這麼喜歡一個人
一點點的起伏 都讓我為之瘋狂
像是被囚禁的傀儡 被他的一字一句控制著每天的心情和去向
那是我寫的嗎 不可能 不可能 不可能
又或者是當我喜歡他的時候 我不是我
他一定不會覺得我說的人是他 因為現在我也不清楚爲什麽是他
今天可是靠alvl law的日子 >.<
我反反覆覆 在床上翻翻覆覆 ._.
接著和obubu skype..
又回到床上滾來滾去還是睡不著 T.T



才一科法律就把我壓得那麼緊 明年考試4科一起來我該怎麼辦
而且還是一連病了五天 我希望今天是最后一天
因為我沒有時間了 我真的要拼了
昨天和爸聊了升學的事情 我總算解決了另一個煩惱
現在至少有比較明確的方向 但我知道我也背負著他對我的期望
年紀越大 要往身上背的理想不再單純
這樣也好 至少被逼要有些實際的目標
沒有時間去搞emo了 ._.


我徹底醒了 是在清楚瞭解了關於你好多事情以後
只能怪當初 是我太過認真
又或者只是講著無心 聽者有意
在你面前我總是卑微 我總是無從抵抗
你總是來去像陣風 我也從來沒有成功挽留過什麽